Friday, January 16, 2009


I've been thinking about the great value in our lives of cows. I know I've mentioned these things before. I also believe that many of us have been reminded of their great and wondrous value in a humorous way by Gary Larson's cartoons which we've all grown to love but there's more and I feel that I want to just say that these beings who give us so much and who demand so little from us could perhaps, when it is the end of their lives, be treated with more kindness and respect.

I know it's not always easy to do this for those who are in the business of processing but I'm just putting it out there that perhaps some people could come up with an idea of how to do this in a way that is more kind and gentle.

You can see that I am concerned about efficiency replacing interactions between all beings. We find this sometimes in communications to us from this or that group and conversely sometimes from us to this or that group.

We are often kind and gentle with the very young and also often with the very old but what about the feelings of those between these ages.

I believe we can move past the limit of efficiency in any attempt to create clarity. I know it's not always easy to be kind, gentle, patient and considerate as much as possible. It may however just be appreciated by us all. Goodlife.

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